Launching Financial Grownups
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Just got my copy of Launching Financial Grownups by @bobbirebell. This is perfect for parents, grandparents and honestly anyone that wants to help their (almost) in their life become money smart. Get your copy today!
Worried the (almost) adults in your life aren’t ready to be #financialgrownups? Good News: Launching Financial Grownups: Live Your Richest Life by Helping Your (Almost) Adult Kids Become Everyday Money Smart by @bobbirebell has answers. Get your copy
Parenting is hard. Parenting teens and young adults is next level. Add an extra layer of stress teaching money skills. Solution? Launching Financial Grownups: Live Your Richest Life by Helping Your (Almost) Adult Kids Become Everyday Money Smart by @bobbirebell
Book to add to your reading list: Launching Financial Grownups: Live Your Richest Life by Helping Your (Almost) Adult Kids Become Everyday Money Smart by @bobbirebell1. Great advice for everyone who cares about an (almost) adult and wants then to live their best financial life. #bookstoread #topbooks #moneybooks #parentingbooks #financialgrownup
What I’m reading and loving now: Launching Financial Grownups: Live Your Richest Life by Helping Your (Almost) Adult Kids Become Everyday Money Smart by @bobbirebell. I needed this and if you have (almost) adults in your life this is for you too. Get your copy and then let’s compare notes! #springreading #bookrecs #bookrecommendations #booklist #bestnewbooks #moneybook #parentingbook #parentingteens #parentingadults #financialgrownup
Book club looking for something new? Launching Financial Grownups: Live Your Richest Life by Helping Your (Almost) Adult Kids Become Everyday Money Smart by @bobbirebell. Great solutions for parents and anyone with teens and young adults in their life that loves them enough to want to make sure they have grownup money skills. #bookclub #bookclubsuggestions #readingideas #selfhelpbooks #moneybooks #personalfinance #booksforparents #parentsofteens #parentsofadults #financialgrownup
Shorthand descriptions to cut and paste anywhere:
A must-read for anyone looking to launch their adult kids - and protect their own retirement money
An amazing resource for everyone who has a teen of young adult I their life
The perfect gift for the PARENTS of the graduate!
The perfect gift for the PARENTS of the bride and groom!